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I am just an individual who does not belong to any affiliation.

It's so easy to make someone commit suicide! I guess that's how everyone commits suicide.

The police will hand it over to the prosecution with a false investigation, and the prosecution will kill him to confirm it! What do they have to see to confirm it?

I don't have the strength left to do anything.

I don't even have the energy to clean up.

Complaining is no use.

I will leave all my final requests and conclusions here.

I don't know when or if I'll ever finish it all. I don't even have the strength to do so!

But I want everything to remain here.

If there are any wills or other matters that need to be dealt with, I will leave those here as well.

This is a country where people fight each other, and when several people are unilaterally beaten to death, only one person is punished to die.

Please remember that this is the reality of Korea that you don't know!

If I die one day, the person in charge will be the Republic of Korea, the country! A country of manipulation and fabrication.

I am just an individual who does not belong to any affiliation.


I think so easy to commit suicide as like they were killed to whom. Here is Korea! Are you? 

The police handed it over to the Prosecutor for a false and fabricated investigation, and the Prosecutor confirmed and killed him! (i think and feels)


What do you think makes him commit suicide?


I have no any more strength left to deal with a wicked mischief.

And i don't even have the energy left to organize it against ridicules of the law.


No any more appealing is no use. I will leave all last words and summary here.

I don't know if or when I will finish everything. I don't even have the strength to do that! 

But I want to write everything for their absurdity, Here (

If there are any wills or things that need to be done, I will leave them here as well.

Please remember that this nation where people fight with each other, and when several people are unilaterally beaten to death, only a specific person is punished to die, this is the reality of Korea that you do not know!


If I die someday, it will be the state! A country of manipulation and fabrication.

-Sincerly for the world, sorry for a little my English! 

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